The Real Empty Nest

The nest is REALLY empty now. My youngest, Anna, moved into her own apartment about an hour away a little less than two weeks ago. It’s a wee bit surreal. The house is quiet, but no quieter than when she left for college. But this time, the air feels different, the way you can tell that a big storm is rolling in. It just feels strange, and I suppose it is.

I want to preface this by saying that my kids are awesome and I love spending time with them. But, there are the benefits for sure. No more dirty lunch containers left in the sink for me to clean. No more bottles of shampoos and conditioners and soaps piled in the shower. And no more walking by a bedroom with an unmade bed and clutter (still love her though!).

Now, dinners can be prepared for just the two of us. We’re fish lovers and Anna not so much, so there’s lots of fish starting to appear on the table. I anticipate a slight reduction in cost in groceries, the water bill, and electricity. And there’s no more do-si-do-ing of the cars so that each person can their car out when they need.

But there’s also less laughter and less talking (though sometimes I really appreciate that) and so much more quiet.

Since Munchie the Wonder Puggle passed last May, things had already quieted down. Anna worked full time as soon as graduating college, so it’s not like she was hanging around the house all day. But it really does feel odd here. And now I’m a bit afraid that it’s (I’m?) going to get old and stale.

We’re lucky that our son lives just a mile away, but even so close, he’s got his own life and obligations. Plus, I sense that he won’t live here forever, so I’m steeling myself for that change too, even though I have no idea when that could happen. But he works a lot and it’s important to me that we respect his boundaries, even though I’d love to see him as much as possible.

So here it is. The thing I’ve been counting down for 16 years, wrapped all around me.

Truthfully, I’m excited. Like, really excited. Everything seems so full of possibility right now. We’ve raised our kids well and they are productive, caring, loving, passionate humans making their own way in the world. It’s terrific fun to watch them grow. But now we can focus on us. And I can focus on me and how to dig deep to really contribute to the world, and have a bit of fun too!

I am thrilled that my heart is cooperating (thanks to all of those miles and miles on spin bikes) and that I’m leading a happy life. I’m teaching cooking privately and will be continuing with offering online classes this spring, as soon as I’ve got the new technology figured out. I’m excited to work with AARP Maryland again this year offering FREE monthly online cooking classes one Saturday a month (starting 3/19!), and am continuing a partnership offering online classes to staff with FCPS. I love offering my Cocktail of the Month and exploring new flavors and getting to shake things up with you, literally!

I can’t wait to make Anna’s old room into mine. My friend Kerry has had terrific success in working with an online design service and I’m thinking I may give them a try for a little help making the room perfect for me for office space, a place for my hobbies, and a place to ride my bike.

Essentially, I see a whole new world of possibility through my rose-colored glasses.

If your nest has emptied, what has been your number one best part? What’s the thing you didn’t expect that thrills you? I’d love to know!

Stay well-



Sheet Pan Balsamic Chicken


Whiskey Sour Cocktail