From the Kitchen
Wisdom is born from the heat of the kitchen.
Finding New Purpose…or Not
When I walked through the doors of The Kitchen Studio Cooking School for the final time in late August, I knew that I was in for HUGE change. After all, the business that I had poured everything into, and I mean everything, for the past 15 years no longer existed…
I knew it was gonna be bad: no more resolutions!
When in the hospital right after my heart attack, I lost 8 pounds over 4 days. That’s not the kind of weight loss that sticks, and I’ve gained those pounds all back, along with a few of their friends.
What it’s like to have a Heart Attack-Part 3
Let’s finish this sucker up, because I’ve got lots of life left to live! After the cardiac cath, I moved to the ICU. I was groggy, embarrassed (I myself was now sans underpants) and unsure of next steps….
What’s it like to have a Heart Attack, Part 2
I started to get a little suspicious when a pastor came into the room to pray with me…(b
What it’s like to have a Heart Attack
If you are experiencing chest pain of any sort, or are feeling as if there is something really wrong, CALL 911. Here’s what it feels like…