You Gotta Move, Sis, and Improve Your Attitude

I’ve been sitting (ok, laying) on the couch for an excessive amount of time the past few weeks, feeling lumpier than usual. It could be the winter blahs, it could be the 479th month of COVID, it could be my ever-tightening sweatpants or my new Tik Tok obsession. When I’m not teaching cooking classes online, I’m wrestling with myself and whether or not I should switch from my left side to my right. I’ve even come up with a cool technique to turn over while grasping the back of the couch with my left hand while I hoist myself over to land on my right hip. It ain’t pretty.

We’re all struggling. And if you’re not, I’d love to talk to you so that I can make use of your awesomeness, though it will probably just sink me further into the pit.

I’m trying. I mean, I feel like I’m trying. When I have the opportunity to work, I am overjoyed! The connection to people, even through Zoom, the food, doing what I love. It’s a great time and I don’t even mind doing the dishes. But otherwise, it’s tough out there. You know it.

So as I was scrolling through Tik Tok yesterday, I came across a woman who said, “You gotta move, sis”, and in that profound way that only 11 months of restriction and fear can make you think, I realized…she’s right.

Sitting on the couch, streaming…whatever, or laying on the couch, endlessly scrolling, well, these aren’t going to move me forward at all. At all. The smart side of my brain knows this for sure. Even though I’m not eating nearly as much as I have in the past, just doing nothing nets me…nothing.

So, you gotta move, sis.

Get off the couch or outta the chair. Put on sweats if your leggings are too tight, bundle up, and move. It doesn’t matter what you do. It truly doesn’t matter, as long as you get you heart rate up and sweat a little bit. Dance in the tv room, get an off-brand Peloton and start spinning in the living room (who’s visiting anyway?), take a walk around the neighborhood (and wear a mask, even outside!). Just move.

So I’m taking my on advice. Partly because I weigh 20 pounds more than I did when I was the most pregnant with Anna, but mostly because my mood improves significantly when I sweat a bit. I never missed a session of cardiac rehab, and although I don’t miss going at 7am three days a week, I do miss the feeling of having done something to get the blood flowing and improve the mood. One quick confession: Because the whole heart attack thing started while I was out walking solo, I’ve been nervous to get out there again, alone, and walk. I really enjoy my “all by myself” walks, but, y’know, worries.

So this week, I’m going to do something, anything, to get my heart rate up. I’m not moving to lose weight, though that would be glorious! I’m moving for my mood. Let’s see what happens.

Oh yeah, don’t forget:

Stay well-



Pumpkin Spice Syrup


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