Ep 41: From Fixer Uppers to New Careers with Natalie Gipson
Looking for inspiration? Meet Natalie Gibson, Home renovator, empty nester, and independent educational consultant. We're discussing Natalie’s journey into buying and renovating a fixer-upper home in downtown Frederick, Maryland, and her professional pivot into educational consulting. Natalie shares her experiences with her family, the importance of female friendships, and finding a support network during life's transitions.
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Find Natalie Gipson at Gipson College Consulting.
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From Fixer Uppers to New Careers with Natalie Gipson
Christine Van Bloem: 0:00
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Speaker 5: 0:31
Welcome to the Empty Nest kitchen where we're finding fun in the kitchen. Now that the kids have flown the coop, I'm Christine Van Bloon, a cooking teacher with over 25 years of experience here to show you tips, tricks, and joy in your kitchen, all while trying something new. Let's get cooking.
Christine Van Bloem: 0:54
Well, oh, happy day. Listen, am I leading the coolest life or what? Because I have got my new friend, Natalie. Say hi, Natalie. Hi. So I met Natalie Gibson recently and it turns out we're both big fans of each other and it's so cool. Natalie lives around the corner. She lives on the cooler block. Let me and she's like no I can tell but Natalie and I met because she has the most stunning home, but this is a Multidimensional lady and everybody I want you to say hello to miss Natalie
Natalie Gipson: 1:33
Speaker: 1:35
I know it's so awkward and so nervous making, right? But really, I really wanted to have you on today. I wanted you to talk because you are a super cool emptiness lady and I know it's really hard to take compliments. I totally get that. Everybody right now is rolling their eyes because they cannot take a compliment either. But initially you had bought this house, this fixer upper house. just around the corner from where I am. Tell me a little about the process as an empty nester of deciding you're going to buy the fixer upper. Cause I bought a fixer upper when I was in my early 30s. I had more stamina. What, what made you
Natalie Gipson: 2:16
do it? Well, to be honest with you, I'm from Frederick, Maryland, and my husband and I bought our first home in downtown Frederick. So this has always been sort of like our, like, starting point, kind of home base. I have family that live downtown, and so I, we always knew that we'd want to return downtown Frederick at some point. So I would often like walk the streets of Frederick just, you know, for fun and imagine which, which houses are going to be, which, what houses am I, am I going to end up in this particular house was never on my radar, but through friends of friends kind of thing, we found out about it and kind of came on available at a time that we weren't particularly Prepared. Yeah. isn't that how it goes? It does. It does. And you know what that, that's when the best things happen. Yeah. I think when they're unexpected. But we had two kids in college and one had just graduated and we were thinking probably in a few years, you know, we'd start looking. But this became available and I dismissed it at first because it's not a house that jumped out at me like I said. But I did. We did take a look at it. And the minute I walked inside, I knew we had to have it because there were certain parts of the house that you can't see from the outside. You have no idea. That really spoke to me. And the house was in really bad shape. So there was a lovely woman that lived here and had lived here for years and raised her, her boys on her own. And I just think didn't have the capacity to keep up with the house. You know that. And so it had, you know, there was a lot of work to do. But my husband and I like to take on challenges like that and really hadn't in a while. So this was something that we were looking forward to doing. I knew that when we did find a house down here, it was one that we wanted to really make our own. And so this opportunity.
Speaker: 4:04
Oh, it's so great because what you're looking for when you're looking at a fixer upper is you always hear, Oh, it has good bones. But that's really truly what you're looking for, right? Because you want to know that you can turn it into something. And you went much faster than John and I have because we've been in the house. 24 years now and ours was five apartments when we bought it and it had Two in the basement and they put linoleum over dirt Wow, it was it was I mean it was I can't believe we lived in it while I Can't believe we lived in it. That's that's all I have to put there but we met because you had done the candlelight house tour and one of the Awesome things about the town where we live because I think everybody who lives here thinks we kind of you know landed in it Yeah, because it's such a special place. Yeah, love it And one of the things they do is this holiday house tour candlelit house tour and they will have different homes that are all walkable, typically, right, that are decorated for the holidays and a lot of times they'll pull in a local garden club or a Christmas designer or, you know, somebody to do the houses and make them really gorgeous. I do not give a fig about a Christmas direction. Can I just say, I just want to see the houses. Me too. I just want to see the houses. And there was one. They I thought this year they were all fantastic and yours was the last one that we came to. Okay. And yours was really special because a lot of times when people are on the house tour, they just do their ground floor. They have to have some privacy. They have to draw a line somewhere. But you, you and your husband were so generous and you let both. floors be in it. And I know he has an office in the basement, right? And we're sitting in your office right now, which is so cozy. But it was just so lovely because you really got to see all of the wonderful work that you've done and you've got a great eye.
Speaker 2: 6:07
Oh, thank you.
Speaker: 6:08
Oh no, you really do. So I just loved that and I thought you were so generous. opening your house up like that because you guys don't get paid. I mean, it's a It's a thing
Speaker 2: 6:19
it no, but and and I'll be honest with you. My husband was not the biggest fan So I I did drag my feet like, you know They they're looking for houses and they've asked and I I dragged my feet My husband really wasn't on board and I finally decided I feel like I I feel like it's a part of my responsibility For being able it's I feel very lucky to be able to live downtown and I feel like it's It's partly our responsibility to give back a little bit. And I know how much I appreciate getting in some of the houses. And I'm the same as you. I don't care much about the decorations. Yeah. I just love to see the architecture and the, the differences. And I, I love to be surprised when you walk into the doors of a house and you expect one thing and then you, you see something very different. Yeah. And I, I think that's so much fun. Yeah. So, that, that was, and so as far as opening up the second floor, To be honest with you, like I said, I was kind of late in agreeing to do it and at that point, to do it I'd need to decorate it and do it on my own without the help of a garden club or a decorator. So I tried to think about what, what can I do that's different that would make our house interesting and special and when someone's coming in, what would they want to see? And so because we have a fluid path up through the upstairs, and I mentioned before that there were things about the house I fell in love with. Yeah. One of the things I fell in love with was the second story foyer in this house. Oh my gosh, yes, I love it. So that like when I walked upstairs and we were looking at the houses and I saw this. It's sort of expansive, wide, almost like a separate room for the foyer on the second floor. That's kind of when I knew I had to have the house. And it's one of my favorite features. And so I'm not like a big Feng Shui person, but I also like, I do appreciate some of the components and the fact that you can see out of the front and the back of the house from both the first floor center and the second floor center, and there's an exit out the back. It's very feng shui and so I really, I really like that as
Speaker: 8:16
well. It's, it's really lovely. I don't have that in my house and I would love that. It's so beautiful. It just feels so open and airy. And I don't know if y'all can hear but Natalie is also a dog person. So we've got, is it Winston? Chomping on a bone and Tilly. Who is just being a doll and now I think, trust me, a little bit right here. So, I get not only to be in a gorgeous house with a lovely person, but there are dogs all over the place. So, this is a highlight. Thank you very much. Now, So, the reason, the real reason that I wanted to drag you on to this, because I know it's like you want to do it, but you don't want to do
Speaker 2: 9:00
it, is
Speaker: 9:02
because, you know, my whole vibe here for my four listeners is that I talk to really cool empty nest women. And one of the cool things that you've done, aside from the beautiful home that we know I love, is you really created your own career here. saw your nest emptying and you latched on to a whole new thing. Tell us what you do.
Speaker 2: 9:28
So what I do, I have my own business. I'm an independent educational consultant or an I. E. C. And I work with High school students and their families and preparing them for the college admissions journey,
Speaker: 9:41
and you didn't start this Like this is not a lifelong career that you've been doing This wasn't you know, we're not here to give tips about getting into college. This is because you saw a need with your own kids
Speaker 2: 9:57
Truly I just fell in love with the whole process and and it kind of went from there. So I I have three children, and they're currently in their 20s, mid to late 20s, and at the time, 10 years ago or so, they were beginning the college admissions process, and I was fortunate at the time to be a stay at home mom. So, I was a biochemistry undergrad, I have my MBA, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry, and then I stayed home with my kids for, for years. So, had no, you know and so I had, you know, I was very fortunate to be able to delve into the whole process myself. You know, not everybody is that fortunate. And so I do help those families that don't have that, the ability to dive into it like I did. But I, I don't know why I just loved it. Like I loved learning about the colleges. And so I think of myself sometimes as being like a student of colleges. So I study colleges. Just to learn, to understand the nuances, like how how much do they give Merit money? What are the special programs that they have? What's the culture of the school? Those types of things. And I had so much fun. And it was a really special time for me with my, with my children. Like, we had so much fun visiting and having conversations about what they wanted and their futures. And I found it to be a really good bonding experience with my children as well. I tried, fast forwarding now, I tried to incorporate that as part of the process, but at the time I, you know, I helped my oldest daughter and then started, you know, helping her friends a bit. And she had mentioned, Mom, you should do this. You're really, you know, you're really good at it and you really seem to like it. And I ignored her because, because that's what we do. Exactly. And I'm like, what? And then my second, I have twins and then they came up time for them to start looking and they're two very different people. They were looking at two very different schools and so dove into that again enjoyed it. And then I started thinking about it. I'm like, wait, I looked into it and found out there are actually people who do this for a living, who, who, you know, families hire to help them. I had no idea. Absolutely no idea that that was a thing. And so then, you know, upon further investigation, I found out that there were two programs at the time that you, year long programs, that you could get your certification, and so I chose one and did that for a year, mentored with a an IEC for a year that was local, and then started on my own. And it was very different when I started because pre COVID.
Speaker: 12:25
Speaker 2: 12:25
And you know, fortunately for my business, COVID happened because it made a big difference. So not fortunate that COVID happened, but it really did allow me to scale my business in a very different way than I would, it would have otherwise. Yeah. It,
Speaker: 12:41
I mean, listen, if you were, if you were clever, right. COVID. I mean, you never want to look at the bright side of something so awful.
Speaker 3: 12:52
Speaker: 12:52
there were, I mean, that's how I started doing all the online class stuff. And that's how I'm teaching people in Hawaii and California, right? And that was never part of things. a genius move. I think that's so smart. So was it because people were not going and doing the tours? Is that kind of what kicked you off? No,
Speaker 2: 13:15
I used to meet students live in my home office. And so there would be that awkward. First of all, parents would typically often have to drive them because they didn't have their licenses. That'd be that awkward, like someone standing on the stoop, you know, outside of my house to come into my, because at the time I had a home office. Well, I still do, but you know, I was considering moving, you know, getting space to have a separate office, but I wasn't quite there yet. Yeah, and Just a lot of wasted time, you know, and then we had to fit things into a certain period of time. Now, everything is virtual. Really? Oh, absolutely. I don't get any students live and I have students all over the country. So I can work in different time zones. We work virtually. So that, that's not something I ever expected when I Embarked on this journey.
Speaker: 14:00
So you enjoyed the process with your own children? Which, first of all, that's hilarious to me, because I seriously remember we went to the first college tour we went to with our son, and I said, let's go look at this school, and it was South Central PA, I won't name it, and it wasn't too far from where I'd grown up, and I had this romantic version of it, and we did the tour, and I mean, They showed you the dorm, and they weren't new dorms, they were like old dorms, and it kind of pulled my heart strings, and then they had this thing about, you walk in the library as a freshman, and you walk out as a graduate, and, you know, it was very romantic, and I was like, I could see him, like I could see him. so expensive. I'm like figuring out how to do the money and we stop on the way home to get ice cream and I go, you know, Oh, what'd you think? He goes, I would never even apply to that school. And I was so like, Oh, that's what this is going to be. That's what this is going to be. And that's what it was. That's what the whole school thing was. So I'm a little jealous that you had such a great experience. But that experience is what It really pulled you in. It is, but you,
Speaker 2: 15:13
you know, you're not unusual. And the experience with each of my children was very different too. You know, everybody's got it different and everybody approaches it differently. And each, each child embraces it in a very different way. Yeah. You never know what to expect, you know, and that, you know, that's one of the reasons I, I really like what I do is, you know, I think back to the empty nest thing, you know, I think this was such a good transition for me again, much like the house. It sort of happened organically without me seeking it out. You know, I, I remember thinking what I'm not a huge risk taker. Maybe I am and I don't realize it. I don't know.
Speaker: 15:51
Okay. I understand you're saying that, but I have to stop you because that belies everything you've said so far, because it is, you know, I know you can say, okay, we were looking at houses in specific neighborhoods and we, but it, it was a risk to take that on and to start a brand new career, a brand new career where you get certified and I mean, that was a program you, and you still are right. You maintain a certification. Yep. So, I, I think you don't see it that way, but I think my four listeners would say, you definitely are a little bit of a risk taker. Well,
Speaker 2: 16:30
and I also do have to acknowledge the fact that I had a lot, you know, I had a nice opportunity to be able to do that. I had a husband that supported me, and that was actually a funny story too. I I was nervous to ask him, you know, not ask him, tell him, share with him my desire to do this.
Speaker 3: 16:45
Speaker 2: 16:46
Because it was, you know, an expense to go back to get the certification and stuff. And I, I just remember thinking, what am I doing? This is nothing like anything I've ever done before. And I was really nervous about his reaction. Yeah. And. Really what we did is I mean we were we had a hot tub in our whole old house our previous home and outside and I just remember saying okay I want to I want to ask you about something and Like setting up and I said, but I don't want to see your reaction I want to give you a minute and I like to ask him or share him with him my Intent or what I thought I wanted to do and then I like Went under water. And then came up and I'm like, okay, what do you think? And he was like, I actually think that's a really good idea. So I felt supported in that way. Not that I necessarily needed that. But it was it was helpful. Yeah, and and so as far as being a risk It wasn't like I was, you know going against the grain when I did this I was you know supported by my and also my my girls were Very supportive. Yeah, they're the ones that kind of suggested it. Yeah first place.
Speaker: 17:53
Well, it's about I mean when we met we met and had coffee And when we did that, one of the things we had talked about is female friendships and developing your support network. And it doesn't have to be a spouse, right? But when it is a spouse, it's just a damn delight, right? When you know, I mean, it's not sunshine and roses. We know that all the time. But it's so nice when you do have that support system. But, we're lucky because we have that there, but there are support systems of all types that you can have, right? And we had talked about really working hard to maintain our female friendships.
Speaker 2: 18:38
We did, and I am the biggest proponent of that, and I, I don't know what I would do without my female support systems. Yes. Really. They, I mean, and, and I, I include in that. My family, my children, my, my two girls are my biggest support system. And then my, my female friends of all ages, my mom, my sister, my sister in law, you know, family. But, but it's work to do that. You have to maintain those relationships and, you know, to be supported, you need to support. And so, you know, that's You know, the time and the energy and the you know, to be able to support the people that are around you. Yeah. But that's what makes life rich. Like to me, that would not, I would not have gotten through the whole empty nest slash menopause season without those female support systems. And being able, I mean, I am so grateful that we live in the time that we do and we're getting to be comfortable talking about that period of time. And, you know, I think back, I think about my mom and, you know, I don't know who she talked to about it when she went through. I don't
Speaker: 19:50
think my mom talked to anyone. I don't think she talked to, and my mom and I were super close, but I know she didn't talk to me. Yeah. Right. She had a couple of friends, but people didn't. I don't, I don't know. I guess I feel like we are in a time where we are all more open to talking about like everything. Right? Yep. So, I, I feel so lucky for that, but I think about my mom often. Yeah. And what did she do? And, you know, a thousand times I kick myself and think I should have been there more for her.
Speaker 2: 20:25
And the, we have the opportunity to explore our, I mean, you, I just think that this, this period in our lives is. is is difficult. For me, it was the most difficult period of life. When you have to, well you, I, I defined myself as a mom for so long. Because I was a stay at home mom, I think. And then all of a sudden they were leaving. I was really, I really struggled to be like, what in the world? Who am I? What am I, you know, what do I stand for? What do I do with myself? Like, I really had to stop and, and pause. And I think this period of life when you're, it just happens in our, I guess it's a time period that we're in. For many of us, the empty nesting also hits when about menopause hits.
Speaker: 21:08
Yeah, right. It's the perfect story. And also when your daughter is becoming more gorgeous. Right? That's like, that to me, because I, I mean, I think my daughter's the most gorgeous person I've ever seen. Boy, she's a stunner. But her looks are getting better. And mine are definitely declining, right? So that's part of it too, because you know there's a whole thing about moms our age being jealous. Oh. Yeah, and I do not have an ounce of jealousy. Yeah, neither do I. I do not ever want to go back there. I actually I love this time of my life. I am tired all the time, but I love this phase now.
Speaker 2: 21:49
Yes, I actually, now, now, now, but you had to get through it to get here. I'm diverting a little bit, but I'm in the middle of watching 1883 with my husband. Oh, are you? I haven't started yet. Okay, so, well, I just think it's been, it's one of the, The narrator is a girl who's about like 18, and her mom, who is played by Faith Hill, which I think is really interesting. Yeah. But you know, she, she, in the beginning of the series, she, you know, mentions a lot, like, how envious she is of her daughter. Because of the way that her daughter sees the world. You know, it's so, a bit naive, but also just, she's kind of awestruck, and, and innocent, and just Her heart is so open, you know, and she, you know, she says many times, I, I envy you because, because of the way that she sees the world and then some things happen. And then the, you know, the, the younger girls and narrators like, well, you know, I now see the world the way that my mom sees it and I, it's so heartbreaking to me, isn't that heartbreaking? And so like, I want to just Capture that.
Speaker: 22:52
Speaker 2: 22:52
That time and kind of not become, yeah, cynical. I,
Speaker: 22:57
well, I,
Speaker 2: 22:58
Speaker: 22:59
Since we're going here, let's go here. I think that a lot of We can say people, but let's just talk about women because that's what we are. I think a lot of women hit our age, and I think they get a little mean, and I think they get judgy, right? And I think that they're looking, it's almost like they're looking for the negative things to kind of complain about or I don't know and I I guess I could see myself. I don't know if I could ever go full into that because I work really hard to not But I don't that's not who I want to be like, I don't want to go out like that
Speaker 2: 23:42
Right, right And I think that's kind of what going back to like that analogy in the show like I think if I'm jealous of anything I am jealous of that like The world's your oyster. I think that's it. Openness. And you have, like, I try to keep a bit of that. Yes. Like hold on to that. That's how you don't get bitter. Yeah.
Speaker: 24:00
Yeah. Yeah. Because I know, I think you sometimes have to make a real choice to not get bitter. Right? You have to, because find a woman our age who has not gone through stuff. Everybody has gone through stuff. Some harder than others, for sure. But I just didn't, I just didn't, I really don't want to be that way. And I do, I will say the one thing with my daughter that I am envious of is all of the world that's ahead of her. Right? Exactly. All of the possibilities, 25. The baby, right? They're just babies, but I can see she's so smart and she's really got it together. And I can just see how the world is going to open up for her. She's got that real charm working with people. She's so good at that. Like her mama. Well, no, no, I'm the worst. But she, you know, I'm sure you look at your girl, you look at all your kids. And you say, Oh, I can really see where, you know, we can see looking back what our possibilities were. Yep. And now we have new ones, but they have so much to look forward to. Absolutely.
Speaker 2: 25:11
And you don't want them to have regret. And so yeah, or hold back or hold back. Yeah, that's that's the thing. Yeah, that's the thing. I think so fun That's the fun part of having kids So many fun parts of having kids but being able to watch that. Yeah, you know unfold their lives unfold and You know, watch the choices that they make and who they choose to spend their time and their, their lives with, and that's also fascinating too. Yeah, I
Speaker: 25:36
think that's so cool. Alright, so look at us, we're just, are you feeling better? Yeah. Okay, good. I told you, this is so easy. Yeah. Alright, so, I want to go back to how you, like, really the process. What was the name of the organization that you are certified through?
Speaker 2: 25:58
So, there are a variety. Okay. So, it's, so there's not necessarily just one. And you kind of choose, and then there are organizations that you join to sort of say stortify with them. So, there's national and then there's regional. So, there's a variety of those. And then, you know, it's like a lot of how I, honestly, how I keep up is peer groups. I mean, Oh, nice. Again, to technology. Like our, we have Facebook groups or newsletters or like, you know, we'll have roundtables and you know, things like that that we'll jump on every Friday or, you know, webinars with, you know, different people or colleges will organize them for IECs. And so. Keeping up that way as well. Well, and you
Speaker: 26:45
had said you're making a trip to Colorado. I Am yeah, and you like visiting school. Yeah, I guess I love visiting school. I would too Yeah, so I have
Speaker 2: 26:56
coming up in March going to see University of Denver, Colorado College Air Force Academy and Colorado State
Speaker: 27:03
and that's part of maintaining your certification. You need
Speaker 2: 27:06
to see a certain number of schools
Speaker: 27:07
per That's so much fun. It is. What do you do when you go visit? Do you take a tour of the campus?
Speaker 2: 27:14
I do. So it depends on the school, but I will do just like the students and families do. I'll do the information session and the tour and I will sign up, but I sign up as an IEC. So, oftentimes then they will, I'll either approach the admissions. Typically. Admissions staff at colleges will have regional admissions reps. So, you know, I do have students all over the country, but I'm referral based. I also have clusters. So it's typically like I have a cluster in California, I have a cluster in Chicago and New Jersey, because, you know, people will refer. And so I'll, I'll tend to get, like, you know, little geographic clusters. But, for the most part, my students are here, from here in the Mid Atlantic DMV area. And so I'll find the regional rep from this area and reach out to them and then meet with them individually. And then do the information session and the campus tour. So that's typically what it involves. If I feel like it would be helpful for me to learn about a particular program or department, I'll reach out to that program or department and you would really be surprised, and this is one of the things I really try to emphasize to my families that I work with, they want to meet with you. You know, like, all you have to do is ask. One of my mantras with my kids growing up is, ask for what you want. And it's like become a little bit of a joke. We're always like, well, ask for what you want, because typically you'll get it. You just have to ask. People don't know you want it if you don't ask. Same thing with when you're visiting colleges. I tell them, I, don't be afraid. And they are typically very happy to talk with you. So you know, there's a few, like if I think of, you know, colleges that, there's a few programs that are particularly popular or unique to that institution. And so if I'm visiting, I'll, Probably reach out to someone in that department and meet with them specifically about that program.
Speaker: 29:04
That's so cool I mean, that's so cool. And also I think that's a mantra for our age, too Yes. Yes, isn't
Speaker 2: 29:12
it? Well, it's just a mantra for life, right? Right ask For what you, I don't know why people are so afraid to ask for what they want. What's the worst thing that can happen?
Speaker: 29:20
And do you, I mean, you ask for what you want now.
Speaker 2: 29:24
Yeah, I think I always have I yeah, I didn't grow up in it and I grew up in an environment where my you know I was supportive Supportive and always encouraged, you know to ask for white so I don't think I ever kind of had a hesitation about that But I'm surprised How many people do? You know, even if it's as simple as in a restaurant. Yeah, you know, my husband will hesitate sometimes He's like, oh, I wish I need you know, whatever. I'm like ask just ask that's we're that's what this is Yeah, I don't understand why you're not.
Speaker: 29:54
Yeah, I'm not that before you but you can ask them. They're really nice Yeah, yeah, that's what they're here for. So yeah.
Speaker 2: 30:00
Yeah, I just think that I also just think what I, you know, what I also love about what I do, I love my job is I love working with high school students. And so I think I've always really enjoyed that stage, you know, there are my husband is a baby, is a baby person. A lot of people are being people love the baby stage. I'm like fine with the baby stage. I love, I love the middle school teenage. I love middle schoolers. I love middle schoolers. Love it, and I love, I love having them pause and when I'm, when I'm working with them having them pause a little bit and stop and think about like what they actually want. Yeah. They don't do that. There's, you know, got to do this next, got to do that, and then to have them stop and pause and really Remove the outside factor, you know, what do your friends think? What do your parents think? No, what do you think? Yeah, they don't do that. And that's fun for me. That is fun process. Yeah.
Speaker: 30:58
Oh, I love it so much I love it so much. All right So because I call this the empty nest kitchen because the vibe is supposed to be we're sitting in the kitchen just talking, right? Do you cook
Speaker 2: 31:11
a little bit? I'm gonna say yes, but I'm like, I would never say I'm a good cook Do you like to eat out? Yes, but I wouldn't call myself a foodie.
Speaker: 31:20
Okay, well that's okay, but we're, like, where would you go for a fun night out, food wise?
Speaker 2: 31:29
I know it's a big question. Oh gosh. It just depends on my mood. Right? Mood's so important. It is so important. So I will say that my husband likes simple food and so if when I'm with him, it's a little boring, But we do like, just from a food perspective. From a food perspective, just from a food perspective. So like a comfort, like our, you know, locally we'll go to. Yeah. Like that's just comfortable. It feels neighborhood y. Yeah. It feels like we know what's on the menu. We know it's going to be, like, we love, like, I love supporting the small businesses too. In downtown Frederick. So I would say, like, if it's a Friday and we're like, I just don't feel like cooking, let's just go. That would be, like, a comfort sort of thing. It's totally comfortable. Yeah. Yeah. I will say, recently I was in the mood for Italian and I, we walked to Pastaro's, 45 minute wait, didn't feel like waiting, walked to Custina Masi, 45 minute wait, didn't feel like waiting, bar, bar was full at both places, couldn't sit at the bar, and I really wanted Italian for whatever reason, and so we hadn't been to El Porto in, Oh, yeah. 15 years. Yeah. Maybe longer. Yeah. And I, as, I drive down Market Street all the time and I look, you know, glance over and I'm like, Oh, I hope they're doing okay. Like, just cause I haven't been there, I think it's like not doing well. Right. I do that all the time. Oh, I hope they're doing well. They need my help. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So I'm like, let's go trial port. If it doesn't work out, I don't know. We'll figure something else out. So it was like a nice night. So we're like, let's just like walk up there. And I was like, Oh, I actually said, Oh, the lights are on. That's a good sign. Oh, that like, you know, same thing. Naive. Oh, just cause I'm not going there. Anyway, went in packed, like a lot of energy, you know, whatever. Told us that we could have a table, but. We said we'll get a drink at the bar, tiny little bar, but we sat up at the bar, had the most lovely experience. Yeah,
Speaker: 33:24
well, and I'm a bar sitter. Like, I love to go and sit and eat at a bar. Totally new for us. I think it's just since we've been empty nesters. Maybe, yes. That we've started doing it, because, I mean, I'm not going to slam a bunch of cocktails, although that is delicious. But, I'm, I'm going, I like the experience of talking to the bartender, sitting side by side with my husband. I, I love that. You're more apt
Speaker 2: 33:48
Speaker: 33:48
talk to
Speaker 2: 33:49
the people next to you. Yeah. I never would have wanted to do that in the past, but yeah, we've started doing that. So yeah, we sat at the bar to have a drink and then they came to us and get up to give us the table. We're like, kind of like it here. We're just going to stay. So we ended up talking to the bartender who's part of the family who owns the restaurant and he works there in the evenings, you know, to kind of help anyway. A lovely experience. I was drinking the olive oil and so My bread and I I'm I think I at one point said, oh, do you do you sell the bread? They're like, yes Meanwhile fast forward. I got the big ziti with it. They recommended delicious And the bread For anyone listening, interested, they sell the bread. They make it on premises every day at 11 and three dollars. Ah! Three dollars! So I pull up now to the, or walk with my dog, go to the side door, get my little loaf of bread and on my way.
Speaker: 34:41
So if you are listening, and you know, I love to look and see where everybody is. So if you are my listener in Germany, I apologize. But if you are one of the 23 percent of listeners that's from Frederick, and that doesn't include Middletown or Newmarket or Hagerstown or any of that. The town we live in is so incredible and where we live, where Natalie and I both live, it is, you walk to everything. You walk to just an absurd number of really good restaurants. Running the gamut from Wags, Patty Mill, Bowl of Fries, thank you very much, Crispy Coke to go with it to Wine Kitchen, where I just had the most Delightful meal. The duck, new chef. Oh, oh. I didn't know
Speaker 2: 35:27
it was a new chef.
Speaker: 35:28
Oh, her. It's a she. Okay. It's a she. There are a couple of female chefs making some news here in Frederick. And let me just tell you, Wine Kitchen, holy bananas. She was so good. She, I mean. I almost cried. I ate every, I love it. I ate every, everything on that plate and it had like a savory bread pudding on it too, which I'm a little, eh, maybe. No. Not a crumb. Not a crumb to be had. Oh, that's awesome. I had it all. It was so good. That's awesome.
Speaker 2: 35:59
Well, even what you had at Crackling
Speaker: 36:00
Grind the other morning was amazing.
Speaker 2: 36:02
Speaker: 36:02
Speaker 2: 36:03
Yeah. It was delicious. We have such a
Speaker: 36:05
good food scene here. So I'm going to say just Maryland is kind of awesome. Maryland's a great state and if you are drivable to Frederick, Maryland, first of all, let me know you're coming to town. But if you are, you should make a trip here and we have a hotel now downtown and it's very posh and there are Airbnb's all over the place and you will see there's so much to do in this town. So Natalie and I digress because we love it. It's just so good. It's just so good. Have you eaten it while? I haven't gone. It's the new restaurant. It's the new fancy restaurant with a fancy name attached to it and all that stuff But I haven't gone yet. Yeah, it's it's
Speaker 2: 36:48
delicious. I mean I've
Speaker: 36:49
heard it's good Yeah,
Speaker 2: 36:50
Speaker: 36:51
I I want to go every time I think about I mean you have to make a reservation
Speaker 2: 36:55
You do and they're not they're not easy. Yeah, and the drinks at the at the bar. Are they good? They're fantastic Fantastic best martini I've ever had.
Speaker: 37:04
Oh Well, hello, okay Interesting stuff. I love it. Well, I have to give it a try. Yeah. Yeah, we just went and got tacos this weekend. We went with Everybody my husband's family all came to town to do this celebration thing and We went out Saturday night and just got basically Nachos and tacos and queso. We went to agave. Okay. I like agave because you can buy a taco
Speaker 2: 37:32
Oh interesting, right because I had
Speaker: 37:34
so much of the chorizo dip Yeah, because it was fabulous. Mm hmm that I didn't even I didn't even finish my one taco But I love their tacos and they have a black bean sweet potato taco That I know it's you're kind of like no, it's so good And it's not the one that has like a little bit of a curry to it And I think it's got pickled red onion now. I'm gonna make tacos for dinner But you know, there's so many different ways they do things here. I think they're really trying to sell the tequila. And I am not a tequila drinker at all. So, you know, I had my one piña colada. You know, reminiscent of the 80s. But yeah, we snacked so much. I'm like, I'll have one taco please. Thank you very much. And it was fried rockfish. And it was fantastic. Oh, yum. Yeah. Yeah, it was super good. Yeah. They dusted it with hot Cheeto dust. So I don't know that authenticity is what we're going with when we go there, but you're gonna have fun and a great time. Yeah. Good. Good to know. And it was a young crowd because we went to their, like, I'm a, if I could eat dinner at four o'clock, I would eat dinner. I would just have breakfast and then I'd have dinner at four o'clock. Okay. It's how I would go. I love to go out to eat, like, crazy early. I'm an old woman to my core.
Speaker 2: 38:49
And there's some awesome happy hours in front. There's some awesome happy hours. I mean like food
Speaker: 38:53
happy hours. Yeah, there are. If you can get
Speaker 2: 38:55
there, I have a hard time getting my husband out. Yeah. That early. Yeah.
Speaker: 38:58
I would do it too. I, I love a happy hour. I, and I never did before.
Speaker 2: 39:03
Speaker: 39:04
But now I'm like a little economically focused. Right? Yes, and, and bedtimes earlier. Yeah. Let's be honest. Wine Kitchen has a fabulous happy hour. Mm hmm. It really does. It's so good. So, Anyway, if you come, you should come to Frederick, Maryland, because everybody will, you know, people call it Fredneck. People totally do that because we're 45 miles north of D. C. and 45 miles west of Baltimore. But let me tell you, it's a good time here. Don't you think? Oh, I mean, I love it.
Speaker 2: 39:34
Speaker: 39:34
is a good town. I retired
Speaker 2: 39:35
to Frederick, Maryland. So, you know, everybody talks about where, where are you, where are you going to go and, you know, like we lived outside of town, I mean, suburb of Frederick, if that's what you want to call it, before we moved in here to this house a couple of years ago. And, you know, my husband had a, and I had a really honest conversation about that. And, you know, it was, it's not cheap to live in Frederick. It's not. So, you know, there's that. And, you know, we kind of just decided we would rather be here all year long. Then have a house outside of Frederick. Yeah, and then another house. So I always say I retired to Frederick. Yeah
Speaker: 40:10
All right. Well, that is a perfect note to go out on. I am gonna put Natalie's information for her business which is called Gibson College Consulting. Love it. I'm going to put that in the show notes so you can always check that out and reach out to Natalie that way. And I'm just so delighted that you took the time. Thank you so much. Thanks for letting me do this. It was. It was fun. It's so much fun, right? Once we got started. Yeah. Cause it is a little nervous making. Yeah. But they can't see that we're saying hair on our underpants. So it's totally cool.
Speaker 2: 40:42
Exactly. Okay. No, seriously, thank you, Christy. You're awesome. No.
Speaker: 40:45
Oh, thank you so much. And for everyone else thank you for being one of the four listeners. I really, really appreciate it. If you've got a minute and you want to leave a review, well, I wouldn't hate that. That would be so nice. So you can do that. That would be awesome. And as always, I will see you in the kitchen.
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Publish: Mar. 25, 2025 @ 7AM Edit
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